Why we started

Delux Dress Hire was born out of our desire to connect style-conscious women who want to look their best, while still having the opportunity to be budget and planet conscious. We live in a time where we share everything from offices to cars, and we whole-heartedly believe that the next wave of the sharing economy will be in fashion.


Renting not buying

Fast fashion has created a demand for newness that has no place in a sustainable future, and something has to be done. A solution? Renting not buying. Getting women to rent instead, means they can still get the latest luxury garments, without sending their credit card into debt and while helping save the planet. You can freshen up your wardrobe each month, experiment with new styles and brands and always have an outfit you're excited to wear.


Latest trends

Our buying team keeps up to date with the most popular dress trends, and the latest sought-after looks of the season. We watch closely how fashion is evolving and continuously add new collections and styles to our already large collection. Our mission is to create a sustainable and ethical fashion ecosystem where luxury becomes accessible through our designer dress hire service.